Spotlight Feature: How to get optimal scan results

With this 'spotlight feature' we would like to answer a frequently asked question: 'Numberic input field or text input field: what is better to process a code scan in the best possible way?'

Numberic input field or text input field?

Here there is a clear winner: the text input field. To illustrate why the text input field is the better choice, let's look at a practical example. To visualize the use case better, we use: 1. QR codes that have certain values stored as well as 2. an Excel table with the same data that we bring into the smap during the data binding process later.

QR Code scan in an example smap

  • First of all, let's put the 'Code Scan' module into a smap - it' s best to put it in a separate section.
  • Now we add a text input field and also a numberic input field.
  • Here comes the logic part: We create a data binding formula in the properties panel under 'Preallocation/Data Binding' of the text input field. (Switch from 'Text input' to 'Formula input' in the drop-down menu next to the input field if necessary)
    For this we add the following: {CodeScanner}.

Scan: Code scanner data binding


  • We use the same procedure for the numberic input field.

You can see why it's not working. The formula editor returns an error message: »The bounded value is not compatible with 'Number'«. The basic idea behind this is: scanned codes can also contain letters that cannot be displayed in a numberic input field. We could therefore not transfer the value for any other application within the smap. So this procedure is not recommended.

Scan: Bounded value error


Preview mode: cross check in the smap

A code scanner should therefore always be connected to a text input field. Let's take a look at how this looks in detail in the preview mode of the smap.

  • So install the preview smap in your smapOne app on your mobile phone and take a look.
  • Go to the section of the smap with the code scanner.
  • click on 'Scan Code' and the camera immediately recognizes the QR code.
  • The data is easily transferred and transferred to the text input field. (figure 1)

Significant advantage of a text input field: A leading zero is displayed. This would also not be the case with a numberic input field.

The scan modules in the smap


Input by the data record selection module

To underpin the scenario, we supplement our input with a data record selection module and import a table. We add a text result field to the data record selection module and insert a data binding formula, namely {DataRecordSelect[QR_Code]}.

Preview mode: cross check in the smap

At this point we go back into the smap and try to scan again. There we go to the point 'Select data record'(figure 2). The overview of the data contained in the Excel opens in a new window. In the upper right corner of the search slot you can also start a code scan by clicking on the small square field(figure 3). The camera opens and we scan a QR Code again, which again results in a match and transfers the result to the text input field.


Summary of the optimal scanning experience with your smap

No matter what code you want to scan (barcode or QR code): if you want to transfer this data to other applications or modules, always use a text input or text result field.

If you have any further questions about this, just send us an email to


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Fazit zum optimalen Scan-Ergebnis mit Ihrer smap

Egal, welchen Code Sie scannen wollen (Barcode oder QR-Code): wenn Sie diese Daten in weitere Anwendungen oder Bausteine überführen möchten, nutzen Sie stets ein Texteingabe- oder Textergebnisfeld.

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